Page 12 - Purim
We celebrate Purim on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the twelfth month, this feast reminds us of the rescue of the People of Israel from the evil plans of Hamman, who with help of slander persuaded the Persian king Akhashverosh (Xerxes) to issue the decree to kill all the Jews who lived in his empire.
This strict decree was canceled due to the efforts of Mordocai and Queen Esther.
On Purim the feast of joy and gladness, work is not prohibited.
After worship we read the book of Esther.
On first evening of Purim the children and young people walk around the Karaite houses, they bless the residents and they receive gifts from them for Hazzan and Shamash, we call this Ahawat.
We give gifts to relatives, to poor people and especially to children. We call the children's gifts Tafyaslik.
This strict decree was canceled due to the efforts of Mordocai and Queen Esther.
On Purim the feast of joy and gladness, work is not prohibited.
After worship we read the book of Esther.
On first evening of Purim the children and young people walk around the Karaite houses, they bless the residents and they receive gifts from them for Hazzan and Shamash, we call this Ahawat.
We give gifts to relatives, to poor people and especially to children. We call the children's gifts Tafyaslik.